Medical cannabis or medical marijuana is cannabis and cannabinoids that are prescribed by physicians for their patients.
The rediscovery of hemp as a versatile crop in the 20th century. started in the second half of the century in Western European states.
The dynamic spread of synthetic fibers was followed by the realization that the production of petroleum-based plastics is not environmentally friendly and that clothing made from synthetic fibers is less comfortable to wear than clothing made from natural fibers. The furniture industry started to use the inner woody part of hemp, the pulp, as a substitute for wood.
are starting to be used as building materials in many parts of the world. Made from a mixture of hemp dust, lime, water and certain naturally-derived binders, hemp concrete construction material can be used as a breathable and excellent heat-insulating infill wall for lightweight houses.
The history of the cannabis plant goes back thousands of years and can be found in many cultures and in medicine
The very diverse uses of hemp were known in the United States of America, as in many countries around the world, and it was used in many industries, from the textile industry to the food industry to the pharmaceutical industry. One of the founding fathers of the USA, Benjamin Franklin, obliged farmers to grow hemp on a certain portion of their land and process it. They produced so much hemp that they even used the oil from its seeds to fuel tractors. Pharmacies were full of various hemp preparations, which were mainly used to treat neuro-degenerative diseases, inflammatory conditions, loss of appetite; the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America and early dollar bills were also printed on hemp paper
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